Artikel mit dem Schlagwort ‘joomla’


Air Theme

New WordPress theme from YOOtheme

Welcome YOOtheme’s latest template: Air! Its light design, flexible layout and large presentation area put your products and content right into perspective. The elegant menu bar looks great in combination with a wide screen background image in the header.


New Warp 5.5 framework

New Warp 5.5 framework

Over the last couple of months we developed the new Warp 5.5 theme framework which is the new foundation of all our YOOtheme templates. In this time we have rewritten the complete Warp theme framework to make it more modular, flexible and also extendible. All templates from 2010 and 2009 are updated to run on the new framework. This means more than 20 templates are using Warp 5.5!


ZOO 2.1 final arrived

The wait is over… We are really excited to announce that ZOO 2.1 is FINAL. We release the new version of ZOO 2.1 and as promised everybody can download ZOO for free. Since the BETA release we have made quite a few changes and fixed all known bugs. You can find more in information in the changelog file of the download package.

ZOO 2.1 final arrived